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1º Desafio de Dados

Chamada online voltada para programadores e entusiastas em busca de scripts de análise de dados para a mobilidade urbana.

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3ª Hackatona Mob

Evento na cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes, voltado para programadores e entusiastas no tema de "Ferramentas, processos e produtos que facilitem a coleta de dados na mobilidade urbana".

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Evento de Escuta

Evento de 3 dias realizado na cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes, destinado a escutar as demandas e trocar experiências com a sociedade civil, academia e poder público sobre o tema da mobilidade urbana.

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1st Mob 4.0 Summer School

An immersive 2-week moment that sought to involve theory and practical applications in the field of urban mobility, data collection and much more!

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Collaborative Mapping with Openstreetmap

Event promoted in partnership with the UMBRAOSM team and which provided an overview on how to use the platform and its features.

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2nd Hackatona Mob

Hybrid event aimed at programmers with the purpose of capturing data and solutions for sensing pedestrians and cyclists.​

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3rd Training Cycle​

7 experts address, in 3 days of event, the theme of “Artificial Intelligence and the challenges in mobility management”.

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2nd Trilha Mob

Deepening discussions between public managers and researchers on the subject of the digital revolution in urban mobility.​

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Preparatory Classes​

They sought to facilitate access to information for those interested in enrolling in master's and doctoral programs in the area of ​​transport and urban planning.​

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1st Trilha Mob

Exchange with public managers about digital transformation and the challenges and possible solutions for urban mobility planning.

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Data Mob

Collaborative space to learn and discuss tools for smarter mobility and transport planning.


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1st Training Cycle​

5 specialists address, in 4 days of event, the theme of “Exchanges on intelligent urban mobility planning”.


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1st Hackatona Mob

Aimed at programmers with the purpose of capturing data and solutions for the mobility of Rio de Janeiro municipalities.​


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2nd Training Cycle​

8 guests discuss issues related to “Mobility and the right to the city: the challenges in building inclusive, sustainable and smart cities”.

Extension Course

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Public Policy & Technology

It aims to address current and future opportunities and challenges in the proposed theme, and relate them to new trends, forms of implementation, data collection and other related topics.​


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