The objective of this edition was to continue promoting a space for creativity and development of data collection solutions related to the demands of urban mobility, but now for a specific location, the city of
Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ.

Theme: "Tools, processes and products that facilitate data collection in urban mobility".
The 3rd Mob 4.0 Hackathon this year had a partnership with IMTT (Municipal Institute of Traffic and Transport of Campos dos Goytacazes) and toke place between the 13th and 14th of April, from 9am to 5pm, at Santa Paciência Casa Criativa, Rua Barão de Miracema, nº 81 - Centro, and had the following schedule:

As reference material, in addition to the content available on our website from previous Hackathons, the main points covered in a listening event were offered before the competition with 3 groups of actors in the city: civil society, academia and public authorities.

We had a speech from Ana Maciel, a member of the public authorities, who brought a little about the experience, challenges and day-to-day needs at IMTT. Furthermore, José Brandão, one of Mob 4.0's collaborators, brought some methods, tools and possible solutions to the topic.

With the support of Lab Mob, we offered mentoring on Arduino. In addition, we counted with the participation of IMTT members, who brought their experiences on practical application to inspire possible products for each group.

Visual tool that uses artificial intelligence to identify objects in street images, seeking safer routes and a unique visual exploration of the city.

Gamified platform that connects cyclists to safe routes, has detailed information about urban infrastructure and creates an engaged community.

App aimed at cyclists that integrates with smart urban infrastructure and uses gamification for popular engagement and increased safety on routes.

*Remember that the value of the prize will be used exclusively for the development of prototypes and for hiring third-party services as needed (to find out more, see the Regulations)
Conheça quem irá avaliar os projetos

Matheus Oliveira
Professor na COPPE/UFRJ, responsável pelas iniciativas do Hub de Inovação Tecnológica em Transportes, do Ubuntu_labe e da Rede Mob.

Ana Maciel
MBA em Finanças (IBMEC-SP), mestra em Engenharia de Produção (UENF) e doutoranda em Engenharia de Transportes (COPPE/ UFRJ). Assessora de Programas Especiais no Instituto Municipal de Trânsito e Transporte de Campos dos Goytacazes.

José Brandão
Engenheiro Civil
Mestre e doutorando em Engenharia de Transportes (PET/Coppe/UFRJ), com foco na relação entre o acesso promovido pelos sistemas de mobilidade urbana e o impacto que esses sistemas têm na estruturação do ambiente construído. Utiliza Python para análise espacial de dados no trabalho acadêmico e, mais recentemente, nos projetos de consultoria em que atuou, projetos estes referentes ao diagnóstico e ao planejamento de sistemas de transporte.

About our
Mob 4.0's partnership with the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes has existed since the beginning of the project, seeking to create and maintain a platform to research software, applications and mobility algorithms.
Since then, several activities have been carried out in the city that can serve as consultation and reference for the groups' proposals: